Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Holiday Everyone!

The winter holidays are known parties,get togethers, laughter and play.  Here is a comical holiday greeting card with a timeless twist that everyone can relate.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

love and hate

I love these pieces but i hate it as a whole illustration. It will be forever untouched again(well...who knows)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Amy redo

Its minimal color and work compared to what I normally do but it fits. 

I wish...

I wish I can pull off purple hair ;___: For me, it's too high maintenance.

red velvet french macaroons with chocolate filling is amazzzzing. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Baby Head

Today, I felt like drawing and coloring skulls and ribbons.

My dog

Recently,My boyfriend's mother brought my boyfriend,Dave and I a dog. She was found in a busy street almost ready to get run over by cars. She took her in and she is the sweetest. Rarely barks or growls, she just loves to be next to someone. Although she is quite fond of me since she follows me the most out of everyone she around. 

New Twitter Icon

Follow me! Check it

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sticker preview

My blog seems pretty dead only because I am on tumblr or instagram a majority of the time. Here a preview on my stickers.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I will cry if I want to.

I caught the cold. boo hoo. Here my doodle, I may add on to it in the future. It seems like it is missing something. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Under the sea with the Manatee

Another redo from my junior year of college. I do like the water color but I did it on cheap paper so the results are not u to my standards. This is on my official portfolio website too! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Another redo

I updated this piece again. I love the line work and the drawing but the color was bugging me. I did it to my bright color schemes that I use.

The one on the right was way too dark 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

People Watching

When over my boyfriend's friend house. While everyone was doing there thing,I was drawing them in the distance. I could of did a full figure if they would of stop moving but oh well. I got something than nothing. 

I really like the style I did for this piece,I may continue drawing in this way.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Twitter avatar

I was on Twitter and almost all the people with an art background had their art style in an avatar.  Some people have actual photo of themselves as their icon. Today, I drew some people.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wednesday Night Shananagans

Going over a friend's house slowly turned into a little get together.More and more people magically appeared. I didn't get to draw everyone because people tend to move much more when intoxicated. I did a quick sketch as possible. The coloring is just as shift,just enough to get the point across. 

The guy in the bottom right was not so thrilled on me drawing him. hehe, oh well. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The most awkward handshake

I went to this get together,meet some new people. Said my hellos to everyone that was present. There was one guy that stood out:

Come on! Who the hell says "what a pleasure to meet you" at a get together. This is not a chick flick movie.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Arachnid talk

Sorry everyone, I have been applying to jobs left and right. I had to at least applied to 25 jobs or more. Right now in California, I been bumping into numerous bugs. Beatles and ants I could careless about but there is a Black Widow that is half the size of my thumb behind the garage door. That's the type of arachnid that does bother me.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Well well well...

I been in a weird love-hate relation with this piece. When I started it was very plain and not that interesting so I played with color. Color Theory came useful again. 

ugh,so boringgggg.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Food talk

This piece is a taste on what will be on my zine. I will have a black and white and a full color zine.  It will have every topic of food possible. Today it will be about bunnies. 

Friday, August 24, 2012


I have a huge sweet tooth which i  controlled over the last three years. Sugar was a strong desire,like an addicted fiend to some drug. I used my bears again from my senior thesis,they actually grew on me. Eventually I will give them names and a character design. For now,enjoy this silly piece. It makes me want to do a wiggly dance.

I want  a donut now  ;___;

Monday, August 20, 2012


I was on Netflix one night and I began to watch a surfing documentry called Into the Wave. I was inspired by the colors of the ocean,the surf boards and the people. A simple sketch turned into a T shirt design mock up.

I updated my website check it out please and thank you!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


A tweet came on my feed. saying”#WhenIWasYounger life, literally, was about rainbows & unicorns for me.”
I responded by saying me too with a photo attached. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

farty butt


I am immature because I like fart jokes. Suck it

Friday, August 17, 2012


During college, my roommate told me about marimos. They are round moss balls that are kept for decorations. They also bring good luck to your home. Apparently, in Chinatown at NYC sells thems but for a crazy price. I always thought about buying them when I used to live close to New York but never did. 

Marimo come in various sizes, these ones are medium. 

I recently remembered about those marimo balls and I still want one.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

back from the grave!

Hellllllllo everyone
 My laptop died at the middle of May. I was helpless and so sad. I moved to California and bought a monitor however the computer I had broke on the process on first class.(Delta open my computer from the inside without a note of inspection and broke many expensive parts) No fear because I bought all the parts and I am now waiting for thermal paste. For the time being I am using my boyfriend computer.

By the way,I did upload some doodles in my tumblr from my phone. So if some stuff isn't on my blogspot it can be there. 

I used sumi ink and colored it on photoshop!

My dad tells me lots of tall tales and I figured if I asked how were clouds made this would be him describing it in full detail. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bayside gigposter

I finished the gig poster faster than I expected. Originally the colors were purple but it was so dark you were unable to make out the image from the distance. I am known for my bright color scheme and I applied it to the band. I am happy with the results. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teaser Sketches

I been a busy bee. Now that school is almost over I am drawing the way I want. All semester I been doing a lot of self promotion for my career, and playing around photoshop and illustration. Nowwww, I have time. :) 
This is the bayside sketch from the pervious post. 

This is a redrawn version of Amy Winehouse. Last summer I immediately drew her, when I found out the awful news of her death. She is a talented beautiful girl and it is a shame for her lost. 

Notice my pencil on the left side-can you guess I am left handed? Fun facts from Kate

Friday, May 4, 2012

Gig poster color sketch

I am really behind my on my poster skills. Hopefully after this self project I will not be as lame. I did my posters based on Bayside's acoustic album.Each poster is themed on one of the songs. They reallllly get down on that album.
That green stuff in the background is my lame lazy excuse for distant trees. 

Megan or Montauk

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Glaring Eyes

If you try to hook up with a chick in an indian wedding, beware This uncle is watching your every move. He will disapprove of you. 


Saturday, April 28, 2012

yum yum!

I call this the american dream: huge pickle,top bun, BBQ sause,onion rings,cheese,double meat, more cheese and bottom bun.
I am hungry now :'(

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Underground Pool

My work was published in the University of the Art Literary Magazine, Underground Pool. Yesterday was the reading of the magazine and it was pretty cool seeing the readers and hearing their work.